About us?

We are an organization of professionals in Information Science, Engineering and Administration that provides comprehensive solutions in the area.

We have extensive experience and experience in projects related to Library Science, Technology and Virtual Education that allows us to be highly trained, committed and passionate about improving the outlook for our clients and partners. Betting on the development of innovative and customized solutions that adjust to the needs of the market.

Flexible learning

We allow students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, we encourage interaction and collaboration between students and teachers through online communication tools.

Why choose us?

Collaboration and networking

We facilitate collaboration and networking among professionals in the field, through events, discussion groups, and other activities that promote the exchange of ideas.

Resource management

We carry out and optimize library management systems, digital repositories, access platforms to online resources and other technological solutions.

Our team

Rosario Valencia
Librarian from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, professor and advisor with more than 44 years of experience in areas of technical processes and bibliographic description applying the RDA.
Andres Mora Vanegas
Systems Engineer and Master in Educational Technology and Digital Competencies from the University of La Rioja with more than 10 years of experience in web development.
Linamaría Pinzón Valencia
Librarian and Archivist of the Universidad de la Salle, Magister in Education and professor at the Universidad de la Salle with 15 years of experience in the management of information units and virtual education.
David Mora Blanco
Jr. Developer
Systems Engineering student, with experience in areas of support and web development.
Yeimmy Villareal
Accounting, financial and labor advice. Keeping the company updated on all tax and accounting knowledge.
Laura Mora
Graphic Designer, UI and UX. In charge of the image of the company.

Get in contact with us

Our team of experts is ready to advise you and offer you a wide range of services that adapt to your specific requirements.

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