Virtual education

Virtual education Installation, configuration, development and customization through Virtual Education ecosystems (e-learning) always seeking to offer added value in the pedagogical processes of educational institutions.


Learning platforms


We know the most important virtual learning platforms at an international level, which allows us to develop and implement solutions in each one of them to optimize the training and pedagogical processes according to the needs of our clients.


Authoring tools


We have extensive experience in creating content through the use of the most recognized platforms in the market, likewise, we carry out custom developments to easily create attractive virtual content by applying instructional design based on the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development , Implementation and Evaluation).

Integration with teleconference tools

Adobe Connect

We handle the most widely used teleconference tools on the market, which we successfully integrate to create institutional process flows that guide, facilitate, and add value to communication management.

Learn about the main benefits of our virtual education solution

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