Expand your knowledge with our specialized training courses

Do you want to boost your career in library science, master e-Learning and keep up with the latest technology?

At OpenSky Information, we have the perfect solution for you. Our specialized training courses address your pain points and give you the skills you need to succeed:


Lack of specialist knowledge

Our courses provide you with the specialized knowledge in library science, LMS, e-Learning and technology you need to excel in your field. You will become a highly trained expert.

Difficulty adapting to digital transformation

Learn how to use tools like AWS, WordPress, and Google Cloud Platform to take your library or educational environment to the next level. We help you embrace digital transformation smoothly


Information overload

Our courses are carefully designed to provide you with the relevant and quality information you need. You’ll save time and effort by having access to trusted resources and expert guidance.

Shortage of technical skills

No matter your current level of technical skills, our courses provide you with the tools and support you need to develop strong technical skills in Library Science, LMS, e-Learning, and technology.


Stay up-to-date with technological advances

We are aware of constantly evolving technological advances. Our courses keep you up to date with the latest trends and features in librarianship, LMS, e-Learning and technology, so you’re always one step ahead.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

Take advantage of our training courses today and unlock your potential in library science, LMS, e-Learning and technology.

Contact us so we can offer you a solution according to your needs

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